March 22, 2007

DNA technology at home

Technology has change the way we live at an overwhelming pace. However, few areas have advanced so impressively as molecular biology. Nobody ignores how much medicine has improved as a result of research done in the last few decades, considerably enhancing our quality of life. Aside from that, DNA technology has produced lots of tool and “gadgets” that turn up very useful at some instances of everyday life. Gene DNA Test is a website that connects us with many of the interesting applications of DNA technology. DNA-based tests to accurately establish paternity and easy ways to find out your ethnic background, including the proportion of Native American and/or African American ancestry running through your blood. Learn how an unexpected discovery led to develop a home test that can tell you the gender of your unborn baby by looking at the DNA in the mother’s blood. These and more affordable DNA tools are waiting for you at Gene DNA Test.

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